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You Are Here: Home Technology , WORLD Microsoft Chief In Saudi Arabia: Windows Phone 7 Coming Next Month

[TechEncounter.Net] Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer certainly picked a good time to launch the new Microsoft Windows Phone 7 in Saudi Arabia as it will be the time expatriates do their shopping to send as gifts for the holidays--with hot gadgets on top of the list.

In his keynote speech at Microsoft OpenDoor--the largest Microsoft technical event in Saudi Arabia--Steve Ballmer said that, "As a global technology leader, we are committed to the Middle East region. Having been here for 20 years, we believe we can play an important role to drive regional growth and development by helping governments, societies and individuals realize their full potential."

No specific Windows Phone 7 models were announced during the Microsft OpenDoor conference commence tomorrow in Jeddah.
Tags: Technology , WORLD


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