Experts revealed that the WikiLeaks website was crashed by method known as distributed denial of service (DDoS). The server was jammed due to the repeatedly demand web pages from the server.
However, the Der Spiegel of Germany, The New York Times, the London newspaper The Guardian and El Pais of Madrid continued to give the edited versions of the leaked documents.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said that the secret data released by them exposes the "diplomatic history" of global affairs.
During an interview with al-Jazeera television, Julian Assange said, "No single individual has even come to harm as a result of anything that we have ever published."
Mean while, The White House condemned the release of secret documents as "reckless" and "dangerous".
"These revelations are harmful to the US and our interests. They are going to create tension in relationships between our diplomats and our friends around the world," US State Department spokesperson PJ Crowley said.